★ SWEET DREAMS in your warm fluffy sleep sack, the baby will just feel good and cuddle with the sweet bunny toy all night long★
The warm lining of the sleeping bag keeps warm body and feet . The sewing pattern ebook pdf for a swaddle sack for newborn can be sewn in three different variations - ★★★ 3in1 ★★★
The sleeps sack can be sewn with fleece, nicki fabric or sweatshirt fabric, whereby I recommend the lining jersey preferably in contrasting colors.
❤ The pattern can be sewn in the following three variants:
★ Variant A: with buttons
★ Variant B: with buttons, ribbon and applications. This variant is with photo tutorial
★ Variant C: with loop
❤ All of the following three sizes are included:
1M/3M, 6M/9M, 12M/18M
❤ Sewing level: quite easy, but not for beginner
❤ Your sewing pattern includes
• PDF file with easy to follow instructions and color photos
• Full sized pattern including all pieces which will print on your regular home computer on A4 paper.
• Metric measurements
• Instant Download - The download link can be found on your purchases page
• english, spanish and german version available
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❤ easy patterns for baby